Health Insurance

Report patient services directly from MyClinic to the Danish Health Insurance Denmark (here after just named Denmark). To the insurance is it enough to report civil registration number and services for the patients who are members of Denmark.
Before the report can start an agreement must be made for the individual clinic with the insurance company Denmark. When it is done it is just to create an insurance scheme in MyClinic – it takes approx. one minute to do, then attach relevant services to the insurance scheme and then patients who are members of “Denmark” must be linked to the insurance scheme on the Patient personal data card.

That means, once the setup is in place, it takes 5 seconds for each patient when they say they are a member of Denmark – then it all runs in the background.

Once a month, all “Denmark patients” are gather with relevant services in a list (click a button) and the list is sent to Denmark through a small application Denmark has developed. The patients then receive their reimbursements directly from Denmark without having to submit their bills.

Denmark does not take extra for direct reporting, nor for using their application. MyClinic is only paid for the time it takes to help the clinic start, which is typically an hour or two.